For some application I could really appreciate speed... and the Netduino boards are equipped with 48MHz controllers or even 72MHz (if you are using the FEZ ones).
When you write the code in C#, the results is only 2x better than 16MHz Uno. So, For what I want to do, I can either pick the FEZ that supports RLP (Runtime Loadable Procedures), which means I will do all the heavy lifting in C++ (native code) and then struggle a bit to some lazy facade in C#. The second option that I just thought of was if someone did build a bootloader for those boards so that they will act like Arduino... It would be very nice to have those "Arduino on Steroids" really.
The Arduino has a totally different CPU architecture. You cannot upload an Arduino/AVR compiled program to the NetDuino.
For more power, try some of these:
LPCExpresso 1768 ($29, freertos)
MBED modules ($60, freertos, web based ide)
BeagleBone ($89, complete linux)
PandaBoard ($180, complete dual-core linux)
RaspberryPi ($25, shipping next month, linux)
Thanks a lot. I did not know those are so different in architecture.
So... will go with native code loaded procedures with FEZ Panda for now.
RaspberryPi ($25, shipping next month, linux)
i don't think raspberrypi will be ready next month first test batch had a design problem so they need to repair that retest the boards and maybe after that will have the board available in there store
in the mean time you can bid on ebay on one of the 10 beta boards and help the charity but the price it pretty high @ £620.00 (lowest price)
The Arduino has a totally different CPU architecture. You cannot upload an Arduino/AVR compiled program to the NetDuino.
But you can create an Arduino compatible s/w core for a non AVR based platform and wrap a tweaked Arduino IDE
and around it using a bootloader so that from a user perspective it essentially looks and works the same as an AVR based arduino.
If you are looking for something that supports Arduino programming using an "Arduino" IDE but is faster,
Maple Maple | LeafLabs
Chipkit UNO32 & MAX32,892&Cat=18
are both shipping today.
Both have their own version of the "Arduino" IDE.
The mpide IDE s/w with the chipkit supports both the AVR based arduinos and the chipkit boards so you can
use a single IDE and switch between them.
--- bill
i don't think raspberrypi will be ready next month
Re-spinning a board mask is not that complex. Given that the beta boards work with a simple solder modification, which they've already changed in their board design, I imagine they can get going pretty quickly should they want to. I honestly think their business deals may actually take longer -- anything from Euro CE certification to nailing down the OS software license for the "black box" parts to being set up with the right tax accounts for sales tax or exemptions or whatever.
So, could ship next month. Could ship December 2013, too