Is there any simple zero crossing detection circuit for arduino uno

i need a zero crossing detection circuit for arduino uno to start up heater.

Have you tried googling, "zero crossing detection circuit"?

yes i tried, there is plenty of examples, i am not sure which on is more suitable for uno.

yes i tried, there is plenty of examples, i am not sure which on is more suitable for uno.

In such an application, the Uno isn't so unique. Any circuit that will safely isolate the power side and feed a digital input will do. Post some links.

Also, have you tried the search box at the top of the forum page?

There are a lots of solid state relays that have built in zero cross.
You just provide the input trigger voltage.
They already have the required safety isolation built in.

i need a zero crossing detection circuit for arduino uno to start up heater.

You need to start your post by explaining what (if any) electronics experience you have.
Your request for a zero crossing detector to start a heater, by itself , makes no sense. If you provide more information (electrical specs of heater) and explain WHAT you would do with a zero crossing detector if you had one (because by itself , it is useless to accomplish what you ask. It must be combined (or integrated into) other components to be of any use. Please clarify where you got the idea that you needed a zero crossing detector. If you knew enough about electronics to know why you need one you certainly wouldn't be posting here for help , and you would already know that you need more than just a zero crossing detector and probably which components you need. It sounds like if you knew what to ask for , you would ask for this:

Read the description and see if you understand how (or why) it works.


Something from this group might work. You didn't specify the voltage or current of the heater so you'll have to sort through these possibilities for the relay. The signal from the Arduino to the relay input may have to be current limited with a series resistor.

Solid state relays have the opto current limiting resistor built in.