Is there away for me to use both the L293D motor shield and an HC-06 Bluetooth module?

I am trying to receive data from another Arduino with an HC-06 Bluetooth module and use it to control 4 separate DC motors with the L293D motor shield. However, the problem is that I have to mount the shield onto the board, making it impossible to connect the Bluetooth module. I've been trying to connect the Uno board to the shield with M-F cables on only the pins I need, but I'm having difficulty figuring out what I need to connect with.

The project should preferably be finished in 2 days, should I just order 2 normal L293D modules and try to work it with those?
This is the shield that I have btw.

Then you don't have some deadline 2 days from today - you just want to complete this in two days (or less)?

The design is lamentable.
A soldering iron is indispensable.

could you elaborate?

It's pretty complicated, but it's not strictly 2 days from today, yes.

The 'shield' doesn't use all of the pins, but it brings all of them up (as it were).
You could solder header pins - or wires, as you like - to the unused pins as you may require for the HC06.

So i could just plug the whole shield on the board, and then with the tiny spikes(idk what to call em), solder those onto wires, and then use those wires to connect to the hc06?

Yes, that's the long and the short of it.

You could use male/female headers on one board. With pins on the bottom and holes on the top. Then you can stack the boards.

But: first check which input /output pins are used by the boards... should be different pins...

If you don't use any servos, then pin9 and pin10 of the Uno are available on those headers.

You can use a screw shield (probably for your next project). Stick that on the Unp and stick the motor driver (or any other shield) on there.
