Is there code for Making a Digital output NEUTRAL - NOT HIGH OR LOW - Floating OUTPUT

Is there "code" for Making a Digital output NEUTRAL - NOT HIGH OR LOW - Floating OUTPUT.

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Yes there is...

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make it INPUT ... and it will be NEUTRAL as you want

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Switch to input? That will make it tristate.

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Is there a way to do it within the code and still use it as an output when needed.
Like adding code in the active loop.
Sometimes I need a HIGH output, but I don't want to make it LOW to change it.
Simply make it NEUTRAL for the rest of the code and back to a OUTPUT the next time in runs.
I would like to be able to do this for each of the output pins (4 in this case).

Use pinMode().

It is allowed anywhere, not just in setup().


// Sometimes I need a HIGH output
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);

//  I don't want to make it LOW to change it.
pinMode(pin, INPUT);    // Simply make it NEUTRAL

// and back to a OUTPUT
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);

What do you want to achieve?
How will the receiver read the state?
NEUTRAL will be read as either HIGH or LOW with digitalRead. But you can never know beforehand...

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This is often done when you want an open drain in a design.


That would make sense...

Just put a diode in series with output ? ( if you never want a “ low”)

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