Is there H bridge inside Arduino UNO circuit?

I would like to control motor servo using Arduino UNO, do I need additional H Bridge? Or has it been in arduino? Thank you :slight_smile:

There isn't an H-Bridge on an Uno. You don't need one to control a servo. You only need one for a dc motor if you want to be able to reverse it. You should use an external power source for a servo or a dc motor.

is there any shield for this H Bridge?
Oh so I don't need H Bridge for servo, but only for dc motors
I will connect my arduino with DC adapter, then for the servo/dc motor, do I need to add more power supply? Why not just directly to attach to Arduino pin?

is there any shield for this H Bridge?

  • many more.

Why not just directly to attach to Arduino pin?

Because servos and motors need too much current. The signal lead can be connected directly to an arduino pin, but not the power lead.

is there any shield for this H Bridge?

There's a shield for everything :slight_smile: Check out

then for the servo/dc motor

Which is it?

do I need to add more power supply?

Yes, regardless of if it's a servo or a motor.

Why not just directly to attach to Arduino pin?

Because a microprocessor cannot provide enough power. You need special chips, relays or transistors to drive such things.


You need special chips, relays or transistors to drive such things.

Do you mean that I should add shield? :slight_smile:

Yep, depending on what you want to drive. You don't need any extra circuitry for a servo, just a separate power supply.


I think creativen is referring to a position controlled motor when he's saying "servo" and not referring to what would be used with a radio controlled airplane or car. The former requires an H bridge and the latter already has an H bridge included.

More details as to what you're using would be helpful, creativen.

I think creativen is referring to a position controlled motor when he's saying "servo" and not referring to what would be used with a radio controlled airplane or car. The former requires an H bridge and the latter already has an H bridge included.

More details as to what you're using would be helpful, creativen.

I confuse with that two, the one I refer is in this video
any help?