Is this compilation warning valid?

When I compile a program with Servo.h included, I get the following warning:

WARNING: library Servo claims to run on avr, megaavr, sam, samd, nrf52, stm32f4, mbed, mbed_nano, mbed_portenta, mbed_rp2040, renesas architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on renesas_uno architecture(s).

Running the "Sweep" servo example, the servo seems to run correctly.

See Undefined reference to `Servo::attached()'

Thanks for bringing this to our attention @MrY! I submitted a formal report to the developers on your behalf:

I though the r4 uses renesas.

The Arduino UNO R4 WiFi combines the processing power and exciting new peripherals of the RA4M1 microcontroller from Renesas with the wireless connectivity power of the ESP32-S3 from Espressif. On top of this, the UNO R4 WiFi offers an on-board 12x8 LED matrix, Qwiic connector, VRTC, and OFF pin, covering all potential needs makers will have for their next project.

That was from the Arduino store.

@v205 there is a detailed explanation of the problem in the pull request I linked above:

Please give that a read for an answer to your question. After that, if anything is still unclear I'll be happy to provide more information.

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