Is this possibble this way?

I Want to make a project that will read an accelerometer's (and gyroscope's) coordinates and will send those to a phone via Bluetooth in an app that will read those coordinates and the app will do a specific thing

Is this Possible (I'm Starting with Arduino and this is just my end goal I do not understand Arduino enough to determine it's possibilities so please help me)

  • it's possible to read the data from IMU with your Arduino
  • it's possible to send data via bluetooth (either traditional BT with an SPP profile for example or BLE/GATT)

so it's technically doable.

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Referring to the outputs of the accelerometer and gyro part as "coordinates" is odd, but we know what you mean.


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Most smartphones have accelerometers and gyroscopes. So why use an Arduino?

I was going to also state that but then I supposed it's a kind of remote control for a moving vehicle.

  • The operator has the phone in his hands and is not in the vehicle.
  • The app receive the data and does something with it, possibly sending back instructions to the vehicle or whatever was meant by "the app will do a specific thing"
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