Is this project possible?

I am currently working on a project that lights a RGB LED based on the pressure read from a Flexiforce sensor. I need to use 4 RGB LEDs and 4 sensors. I am trying to cut down on the outputs used on the Arduino so I wanted to use a WS2803 to light the LEDs. I know it is possible to light the LEDs with the WS2803 in certain patterns but is it possible to light them a certain color based on the sensor reading? If it is possible, a nudge in the right direction on the coding would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Install the library and look at the examples and then you tell me if you can do that.

I am guessing that it is by that response. Is there a certain library I should be looking for?

Try googling "arduino WS2803 library" (who would have thought?)

Tried that and got a bunch of stuff that I am pretty sure isn't what i was looking for.

So you did a GOOGLE SEARCH FOR "arduino ws2803 library" and you didn't get this ?

Yes i found that, just trying to get it loaded to the IDE. I have tried what it said but it didn't seem to work.

If you saw that and tried it why didn't you mention that in your last post ? (that you tried it and that it didn't work)
What EXACTLY did you try ?

I downloaded the file, renamed it but when I try to add the library i get an error saying the library can't be used. When i look at the sketch folder it only shows the name of the sketch that is open.

Post the screenshot I requested.

Can't get it to copy and post.

Control/Prin key on keyboard (top row right side).

Hold CNTRL key down and press PrintScreen key.
Then open Windows PAINT ( Accessessories).
Then right-cclick/paste and File/Save [filename]…

Attached is the sketch folder

Open the aeduino IDE and click on File\Preferences and take ascreenshot of that screen and post it.

Here it is

When I asked for a screenshot of you "sketch" folder I meant the folder that contains the library that you said you installed.
Find THAT folder and OPEN the folder so I can SEE the CONTENTS OF THAT FOLDER.
I want to see which folder you installed the library (that you said doesn't work). I need THAT screenshot.

is this what you were looking for?

That's why it doesn't work.
The path shown in the Preferences containing the Arduino folder is telling you that is where it looks for libraries but because you don't have a folder in the Arduino folder named Libraries containing all your installed libraries, the IDE doesn't know where to look for your ws2803 library. You need to cut and paste the entire ws2803 folder into a new folder you create in the arduino folder shown in preferences . All other locations are useless. Only libraries contained in a folder named Libraries in the arduino folder shown in the Preference will work.

Ok. I moved it into the libraries folder but being new to this I am not sure how to use libraries or what to do now. The examples that were on the page I downloaded it from were for LED strips and I am using individual LEDs.

You need to tell me if the example compiles. That's really all you can do without the WS2803 chip.Open either of the two examples and click only the compile button , not the run button, and tell me if it compiles without errors.