Sometimes i think this site is running on a arduino. Get Error 500, very very slow site response etc.
Are you planning in growing of the arduino community to upgrade the webservers?
This is an ongoing issue. The community is growing faster than the servers can be upgraded.
No, its not. Not like the Raspberry Pi
Part of the problem I'd imagine is funding. The way some 3rd party folk advertise their Arduino clone/replica boards is sly. I personally got duped into buying clones when I thought I was supporting the Arduino project.
Yea, the thing is with being open source and all that good jazz is you may not make as much money. Case and point, arduino. Granted it is a great program with a good community of people to help but their growth has gotten so large that they don't make enough money to keep up with the demand.
At least, thats what I think.
This is an interesting read on the subject:
Hm, quite interesting indeed. Especially since that was from january. I wonder if they've made any changes since then to their server and all that jazz.
All this Karma must be slowing it down.
All this Karma must be slowing it down.
I don't think thats how it quite works. Maybe the requests of giving karma. I doubt that has much effect though, not many people give karma.
('cause I always forget to bookmark this page)