Hi, I'll begin with I've read through several Ping (ultrasonic distance) sensor questions already. To measure the returning pulse use "pulsein" if you're using one sensor. However I am using two, and would like to get the information at (nearly) the same time. I saw a suggestion that checked both pins and kept a counter for each pin, however I don't feel that's very precise.
So I wanted to use the external interrupts (pins 2,3; I'm using the Duemilanove) and the TCNT1 timer to measure the retuning pulse widths.
I think I'm getting tied up in my "while(doneL == false) {}" loop, because the Ping sensor is only active once, then nothing. Anyone see anything blatantly wrong in my code? Particularly about the interrupts? Mucho thanks.
EDIT: for future reference, this allows the while loop to break. However the flaw it still has is that durationL = 64594 always.
volatile unsigned int doneL = false;
volatile unsigned int doneR = false;
volatile unsigned int startL = false;
volatile unsigned int startR = false;
//int dist =0; // stores the distance measurement
void setup() {
// initialize serial communication:
pinMode(ledPinL, OUTPUT);
TCCR1B = 0x02; // 16MHz sys clock, div 8, rolls over at 32ms
// this guarantees max of 1 overflow since ping
// sensor max is ~18ms
void loop()
unsigned int inchesL, inchesR;
startL = false;
doneL = false;
pinMode(pingPinL, OUTPUT);
// Sending signal to PING))) sensor
digitalWrite(pingPinL, LOW);
digitalWrite(pingPinL, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pingPinL, LOW);
pinMode(pingPinL, INPUT);
//durationL = pulseIn(pingPinL, HIGH); //what I would use if only 1 ping sensor.
attachInterrupt(0, leftside, CHANGE);
while(doneL == false)
// do nothing while waiting for doneL to be set by ISR
Serial.print("duration: ");
// convert the time into a distance
inchesL = microsecondsToInches(durationL);
if (inchesL < 5) {
digitalWrite(ledPinL, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPinL, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(100); // at least 200us between measurements
void leftside()
if(startL == false)
beginningL = TCNT1;
startL = true;
durationL = TCNT1-beginningL;
doneL = true;