Issue trying to use wire.h library

C:\Users\nick\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Wire\Wire.cpp:26:12: fatal error: twi.h: No such file or directory
#include "twi.h"
compilation terminated.
exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1

I've tried looking for the complete Wire.h library files and i cant seem to figure it out. help please?

Just a SWAG, but, based on the directory shown, it would appear that you have manually installed another Wire library.

The Wire library, like the SPI library and others, is specific to a particular core, and is automatically installed along with each core. There is no need to install any other Wire libraries; and, as you've discovered, doing so can prevent your code from compiling.

Deleting the version of the Wire library you installed will likely get things working again.

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okay! That worked! Thank you, I'm very new to this. Much appreciated!