i am working on a project that invovles the use of an Arduino Nano and LED driver (TLC5940). The goal of the project is to give the Arduino a matrix full of binary values and to have those values control an LED matrix of the same size. For the purpose of prototyping, I am using a matrix with 6 rows and 3 columns. Wherever there is a 1 in the matrix --> corresponding LED should turn ON. Likewise, 0 --> LED turned OFF.
The problem I am facing is that the for loop I am using is resulting in the LED matrix displaying each column of values one by one onto the entire 6x3 LED matrix. For example, if the matrix (3x3 for sake of space) appears as follows:
1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0,
it would result in the LED matrix displaying the entire first and third row ON, then the entire second row ON, then the entire first row ON, and repeat.
Instead, I would like it to display the first and third row ON but only within the first column. Then only the second row turned ON, but only within the second column, and so on.
Code and Sample Matrix can be found in this link: Arduino Nano LED matrix 6x3 - Pastebin.com