I have done a fair amount of searching through various forums to find instances of a similar issue with little success. I did find one thread in the Arduino forum, but I did not see a clear resolution to the problem. I am hoping I can provide more detail and hopefully someone will have an idea why I am experiencing this issue.
I have a lot of experience with the Arduino IDE along with Arduino Uno & Mega HW platforms. I have not experienced any significant issues in the past. I am now trying to use an ESP-8266 Wifi module platform called the Wemos D1 Mini. There are many tutorials/examples online showing how to program the Wemos D1 Mini using the Arduino IDE. I have followed those instructions to the best of my ability, but I keep receiving the same error when trying to Verify/Compile some example code:
"open sketch\Blink.ino.cpp: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
Error compiling for board WeMos D1 R2 & mini."
I will do my best to describe all of the steps I took up until this point:
PC Operating System : Windows 10
Arduino IDE Version : 1.8.5
Hardware Module : Wemos D1 Mini V3.0.0 (https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/D1-mini-Mini-NodeMcu-4M-bytes-Lua-WIFI-Internet-of-Things-development-board-based-ESP8266/1331105_32529101036.html)
- Installed Driver For CH430G With Wemos D1 Mini Plugged In (CH340G Driver Installation.PNG)
- Added "http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json" To Additional Boards Manager in Arduino IDE Preferences. (Additional Boards Manager.PNG)
- Installed "ESP8266 Community" From Boards Manager in Arduino IDE (ESP8266 Community Board Manager.PNG)
- Selected Port COM4
- Selected Board Wemos D1 R2 & mini (Board Selection.PNG)
- Selected "Blink" Example from ESP8266 Examples (Blink Example.PNG)
- Clicked Verify/Compile (Blink SW And Failed Compile.PNG)
Hopefully someone has encountered a similar problem and can help me out. Any sort of input/response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.