Issues implementing 2 (potentially three) SHT85 sensors on arduino mega

Simply put, my issue is trying to read both SHT85 sensors, not simultaneously, but nearly so. Problems arise when I plug both sensors into the two I2C buses featured on the arduino Mega 2560. I plug one sensor into SDA and SCL pins and the other SHT85 sensor into SDA1 and SCL1 pins. Using code I googled by typing in "SHT85 code arduino adafruit" I was able to get the sensors working albeit only one device at a time, but together the SHT85 sensors simply return an error when the arduino mega attempts to read a sample. What I expected to happen when I modified the code I found on github for the SHT85 sensor was that I would be able to read two sensors, obtaining both relative humidity and temperature from both devices without issues. The code itself compiles without a problem for me. This is for a project I'm doing regarding an invention I'm helping with and the sensors are simply meant to collect data The picture attached to this post is the circuit, it is identical to the circuit found on the SHT85 datasheet.

As for the Code I'm using, it is down below, I also used/tried SHT3X auto-detect code also featured on the github page I found. The code I am using is based off the multiple-sht-sensors code found on github. I am aware that the sensors have the same address thanks to the I2C address scanner found on github, and I am aware that this code wouldn't work if they shared the same bus. I am wondering since the sensors are on different buses, can this code be modified to fit my needs, and if so, how? Is there another way for the arduino to detect a sensor or read the buses separately/asynchronously?
Link is here if you are interested. arduino-sht/multiple-sht-sensors.ino at master · Sensirion/arduino-sht · GitHub

#include <Wire.h>
#include "SHTSensor.h"

// Note that all i2c devices sharing one bus must have distinct addresses. Thus
// this example only works with sensors that have distinct i2c addresses (e.g.
// SHT3x and SHT3x_alt, or SHT3x and SHTC3).
// Make sure not to use auto-detection as it will only pick up one sensor.

// Sensor with normal i2c address
// Sensor 1 with address pin pulled to GND
SHTSensor sht1(SHTSensor::SHT3X);

// Sensor with alternative i2c address
// Sensor 2 with address pin pulled to Vdd
//SHTSensor sht2(SHTSensor::SHT3X_ALT);

//Sensor with alt I2C address
//sensor 3 with address pin pulled to Vdd
//SHTSensor sht3(SHTSensor::SHT3X);

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  delay(1000); // let serial console settle
  // init on a specific sensor type (i.e. without auto detecting),
  // does not check if the sensor is responding and will thus always succeed.

  // initialize sensor with normal i2c-address

  // initialize sensor with alternative i2c-address
//  sht2.init();

//  sht3.init();

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  // read from first sensor
  if (sht1.readSample()) {
    Serial.print("SHT1 :\n");
    Serial.print("  RH: ");
    Serial.print(sht1.getHumidity(), 2);
    Serial.print("  T:  ");
    Serial.print(sht1.getTemperature(), 2);
  } else {
    Serial.print("Sensor 1: Error in readSample()\n");

  // read from second sensor
  /*if (sht2.readSample()) {
    Serial.print("  RH: ");
    Serial.print(sht2.getHumidity(), 2);
    Serial.print("  T:  ");
    Serial.print(sht2.getTemperature(), 2);
  } else {
    Serial.print("Sensor 2: Error in readSample()\n");
  //Third Sensor
 if (sht3.readSample()) {
    Serial.print("  RH: ");
    Serial.print(sht2.getHumidity(), 2);
    Serial.print("  T:  ");
    Serial.print(sht3.getTemperature(), 2);
  } else {
    Serial.print("Sensor 3: Error in readSample()\n");

In short, I am just looking for a way to get multiple SHT85 sensors to run on one arduino board without the use of a Multiplexer, I am thankful for any advice given. Also any advice regarding the implementation of the third sensor is also welcome. The arduino board being used is the arduino mega 2560. Data-sheet for the SHT85 sensor
I apologize in advance for any confusion I cause.