We are creating a eye mechanism like one will cogley made instead of using a ada fruit we are using a bread board to control all of the servos. There are two servos that are meant to move a mechanism forward and the move back to mimic a blinking motion. I am a new at all of this and don't know what anything means any help is appreciated.
#include <Servo.h>
// Create servo objects for the horizontal and vertical movement of the eyes
Servo horizontalServo;
Servo verticalServo;
// Create two additional servo objects
Servo servo1;
Servo servo2;
// Joystick pins
const int xAxisPin = A0; // Connect the X-axis of the joystick to A0
const int yAxisPin = A1; // Connect the Y-axis of the joystick to A1
const int buttonPin = 7; // Connect the button to digital pin 7
// Servo angle limits
const int horizontalMinAngle = 0; // Minimum angle for left
const int horizontalMaxAngle = 130; // Maximum angle for right
const int verticalMinAngle = 0; // Minimum angle for up
const int verticalMaxAngle = 130; // Maximum angle for down
// Define the servo angle limits for servo1 and servo2
const int servo1MinAngle = 0;
const int servo1MaxAngle = -180;
const int servo2MinAngle = 0;
const int servo2MaxAngle = 180;
bool buttonPressed = false;
void setup()
// Attach servos to their respective pins
horizontalServo.attach(9); // Connect to digital pin 9
verticalServo.attach(10); // Connect to digital pin 10
// Attach servo1 and servo2 to their respective pins
servo1.attach(11); // Connect servo1 to digital pin 11
servo2.attach(12); // Connect servo2 to digital pin 12
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Configure the push button pin as INPUT_PULLUP
void loop()
// Read joystick values
int xAxisValue = analogRead(xAxisPin);
int yAxisValue = analogRead(yAxisPin);
// Map joystick values to servo angles for horizontal and vertical servos
int horizontalAngle = map(xAxisValue, 0, 1023, horizontalMinAngle, horizontalMaxAngle);
int verticalAngle = map(yAxisValue, 0, 1023, verticalMinAngle, verticalMaxAngle);
int servo1Angle = map(xAxisValue, 0, 1023, servo1MinAngle, servo1MaxAngle);
int servo2Angle = map(xAxisValue, 0, 1023, servo2MinAngle, servo2MaxAngle);
// Move the horizontal and vertical servos to the mapped angles
// Add a small delay to avoid rapid servo movement
// Check if the push button is pressed
if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == buttonPressed)
if (buttonPressed = true);
servo1.write(servo1MaxAngle); // Move servo1 to its maximum angle
servo2.write(servo2MaxAngle); // Move servo2 to its maximum angle