Issues with Sparkfun protoshield

I've built a system using an arduino ethernet and an uno and pair of x-bees which measures temperature using a DS180B20 and sends it to a web server for storage and display. The original version has the sensor wired up on a breadboard, so I wanted to make a more permanent, reliable version.

I soldered up a Sparkfun protoshield yesterday: SparkFun ProtoShield Kit - DEV-13820 - SparkFun Electronics

Now I'm a little perplexed as to how to proceed. I had expected the protoshield's soldering area to be wired up like veroboard or a breadboard - i.e. with some of the nodes connected together, but none of them are. This appears to mean that if I want to connect the required 47K resistor to the middle leg of the sensor, both have to go in the same hole. That's ok for the resistor, but the holes are small and even my breadboarding leads are too big to go in with the sensor connections.

I'll solve the problem with a visit to Radio Shack later on to get some thinner wire, but this design doesn't seem very useful. Is it a coincidence that every application I see this board used for on-line has a breadboard sitting on the prototyping area?

Is it a coincidence that every application I see this board used for on-line has a breadboard sitting on the prototyping area?

I don't think so.

The holes aren't that far apart though. You can use solder to bridge between adjacent holes.

with some of the nodes connected together, but none of them are. This appears to mean that if I want to connect the required 47K resistor to the middle leg of the sensor, both have to go in the same hole.

You just have to use side-by-side holes, and then bend the lead over to make your own "nodes
connected together".