IST3020 LCD controller - library? Also UC1698 library


I've ordered a bunch of 192x64 graphic LCDs, these ones: 4.3"COG 192x64 Display Graphic LCDs Module,IST3020,Black on White

They use the IST3020 controller (datasheet

I would like to control it via SPI, one of the supported modes as per the datasheet. Does anybody know if there is a library which either suits this controller or could be easily adapted? I guess if there isn't one I'll have to make one, but I've only got a really vague idea of where to start and would really appreciate some pointers if it comes to that!

Many thanks

Edit: Another alternative I'm happy for would be to buy these:

The controller for that is the UC1698 (supposedly a colour controller but running in mono). Same questions apply to that, anyone know of a library or can point me in the right direction to go about writing one? Datasheet for that controller is

Oh, forgot to mention a couple of things -

First, I've searched the forums for IST3020 etc, and searched google for IST3020 + arduino, etc... nothing to show. Don't want you to think I'm being lazy :slight_smile:

And second, if it helps answer my questions, here's a diagram of the connections for SPI - the bottom one -


Or if not SPI, even 4 bit mode would be okay!

If you don't need to read from the LCDs RAM, then SPI is fine, and will only use 8 pins on the Arduino.
What Arduino do you have? I think that unless you have a Mega, a parallel connection will not be feasible, as it would require too much IO pins.

I ran a quick search on Google and couldn't find a library for this controller either. I would suggest to look for PIC samples, and perhaps port that code to the Arduino.

Thanks for the reply!

I don't need to read from the LCD, will just be doing random updates with mostly text every now and then

I'm using an ATMEGA32u4, I can spare 8 pins. I'd have no idea where to start to port PIC code across - maybe I'd be better off modifying an existing Arduino library to suit the IST3020 or UC1698 controller? Really not sure!

I think some GLCD libraries are expandable and additional 'drivers' can be added to them. Meaning you don't have to modify the library itself.
I haven't looked too much into GLCDs yet, so I can't tell whether the IST3020 has any similarities to other controllers. In case it does you could modify an existing 'driver' to make one which will work with the IST3020. But if it's different you will have to write your own code to do it.
Try to contact the author of u8glib, since you bought several LCDs, ask him if he can help you out with adding support for the IST3020 if you send him an LCD for testing.
PIC uses C code, so if you know C or C++ porting will not big that big of a deal, I think the bigger problem would be to locate it first :slight_smile:

Thanks, I'll try getting onto him and see if he has time or is interested!


Or even a UC1608 library if anyone has written one wouldn't go astray :slight_smile:

Sorry for the mass of posts!


Maybe not required any more, but here for information...
Today I impelemted support for the UC1608 for the East Rising ( ERC24064-1 into U8glib. Let me know if you need a prelim. release. The code is also checked into the google code repository of U8glib.
