Have you guys noticed this thread?
Official topic: multicotteri con arduino!
1100+ replies - what the heck are they discussing there that could have so many replies?
Have you guys noticed this thread?
Official topic: multicotteri con arduino!
1100+ replies - what the heck are they discussing there that could have so many replies?
Just got to love Google's translation of the title...
multicotteri con arduino! ==> multicotteri with Arduino!
That was helpful!
Does AWOL have an alter ego?
I had google translate cotteri to dutch and then to English and it translated to farmhand. So a lot of farmhands what that might be.
Edit I found it by using this:
It's a tread about quadcopters
Homer Simson mode:
It was allready mentioned.
Awesome! 4-copters are pretty hot topics. If you can make one you should show it off.
but then, what are they doing with their quad copters ? Why are they so popular?
I confirm that the thread is about quad-copter (and also tricopter & hexacopter)!
Wow! They are certainly having fun! I can't write Italian but can someone suggest adding a sonic ranger in line with the camera view so they can overlay distance? It's bit dangerous to approach animals without knowing the exact distance to the copter and the animals both.
actually most of the post are about helping people choosing hardware, software and how use it, but the idea is to develop a new code base on a limited harware (WMP, ITG3200, ADXL345, or freeIMU varesano.net -). Actually there are no new on the develop, because many people has bought this hardware so we can develop and test the software really fast.
Last, don't forget that we are italians so we are a bit chatty too
The thread it's about multicopters, evolutions and hopefully some new piece of sourcecode.
I'm the first chatter :P:P
Each intervention is welcome
i'm the topic founder.
i opened the topic about this "flight machine" called quadricopter.
actually we're helping about 5 users building theyr own quadcopter.
we're using the arduino software multiwii developed by alexinparis (you can find them on multiwii.com)
with the help of astrobeed and marchino (2 model builder and electronic) we're trying to make a absolute guide about the various configuration and how to start to build a quadcopter with arduino.
the guide will be soon ready for the playground, if someone would like to translate that in english would be appreciated.
(sorry for my bad english).
i don't think google translator can be use for every translation
anyway for any question i will follow this topic
I'm the first chatter :P:P
Are you what? ]
Don't defy the Master of Spam 8)
Don't defy the Master of Spam 8)
Yes, you are a master, but we don't know if you belong to the dark side of the force
(sorry for my bad english).
When we lived in Houston, one of our neighbors, a young couple, was from "East Texas". No matter how hard I tried, I could not understand what they were saying. Whenever we saw them, I would just nod politely and smile. Unfortunately, they were a very chatty pair. They would talk and talk and talk. I would just reply with more nodding and smiling. As soon as we got indoors, I would grill my wife about the conversation.
As long as your audience can understand (and we do understand) there is no need to apologize. If you ever start communicating like an "East Texan", we'll let you know and then you need to apologize.