ItsyBitsy - Unrecognized by windows (error)

board: Adafruit ItsyBitsy 32u4-5V 16MHz

Earlier last year I uploaded a sketch which produced a nice rainbow effect on my ItsyBitsy.

Today I attempted to revisit this on my new PC and when I performed an upload the device is now blinking a Red LED at me (a slow on /off) and windows doesn't recognize it.

I've searched all over and haven't seen anyone with my exact issue and am hoping someone can advise on how to revert it to it's prior or default state.

I've heard of an Istybitsy, but it sounds like you simply haven't installed it on your new PC. This might be reflected in the board manager in the IDE tools. Sometimes, a little bit more than clicking a name is required.

The red blink is the last sketch uploaded. In your IDE, go to TOOLS >> PORT >> your port and TOOLS >> BOARD >> your board.

Unfortunately when I plug in the device windows states it’s unrecognized. Is there a trick to getting it recognized? I’m not sure why it was recognized -> sketch uploaded -> device unrecognized.

Thanks for responses!

This is what I was talking about before. If any tricks are involved they should be devolved by the supplier. I had the same issue with my first Arduino, an EtherTen, but it wasn't a problem as the supplier properly supported it.

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