J1939 Message Transmission via MCP2515


I am working on a project where I need to send a command message to Eaton's smart fuse box mVEC from my Arduino+MCP2515 board. Using this command, I want to turn relay 1 on and leave the rest relays unchanged. I need your help with developing code for this task.

According to the product specification of this Eaton fusebox mVEC, I need to send a message called 0X80 to command the fuse box to turn on/off the relays. While declaring the msg in my program, should I declare it as 0X80 or its parameter group number ? What should be data length 6 bytes or 8 bytes ?

#include <SPI.h>
#include "mcp2515.h"

struct can_frame canMsg1;
struct can_frame canMsg2;
MCP2515 mcp2515(10);
int i;

void setup()
while (!Serial);

Serial.println("Example: Write to CAN");

canMsg1.can_id = 0x80;
canMsg1.can_dlc = 6;


void loop()
canMsg1.data[0] = 0x80;
canMsg1.data[1] = 0x00;
canMsg1.data[2] = 0xFD; //Turn on Relay 1 and leave relays 2,3,4 unchanged
canMsg1.data[3] = 0xFF;
canMsg1.data[4] = 0xFF;
canMsg1.data[5] = 0xFF;

Serial.println("Messages sent");

The description is bytes zero through 5, so that seems to add up to 6 bytes for the message.

Should the data size for this msg be 6 or 8 bytes? Should the CAN msg ID be 0X80 or 18EF00EF ?

where EF is the default source address where the source is Arduino
EF00 is the hex equivalent of PGN 61184
18 is the hex equivalent of Priority + 2 Reserved bits

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