Java Desktop Application, JSON, Arduino, MySQL, RXTX

Hi, I wish to create a project that send data and receive data from the Arduino Uno over the internet and high speeds. The Arduino is connected to the internet enabled Windows PC with a USB. The JAVA APP is suppose to be the server and receives JSON format data from a client Android App. There should be a MySQL database where clients data of users that can control the Arduino will be stored. The JAVA APP should use the RXTX library to talk to the Arduino based on data from JSON and MySQL database.

I am doing Home Automation Arduino Project from Computer Science and I do not want to spend too much time learning all about JSON, JAVA and MySQL only to find out it can not be possible. I anyone know how this can be approached please help and make my path a bit straight forward. If possible please give links to examples or tutorial of how this can be archived.

Thank you