Hi All
any help more than welcome as I'm getting the good old 404 error and am a bit stumped
I am building this project
GitHub - Jaycar-Electronics/Motherload-Datalogger: The Datalogger project to end all dataloggers, with Google Cloud Platform! and am gradually working through it as a novice.
Eventually I want to make a remote Bee hive monitor.
When I load some data into the serial monitor as per this part
Testing ESP8266 and Cloud Function
Once the ESPCode is uploaded, you can turn dip-switch 7
Code: [Select]
and open up the Serial Monitor. Set to the correct baud speed (default: 115200) and reset the device. You should see that it has connected to the WiFi network, and if you type in something such as:
[1, 2, "This is a string", 4]
Note that you are typing this into the serial monitor.
You will find this information has been uploaded onto your google spreadsheet. This means we're half-way there, and what's more is that it's a very simple process which might be starting to make sense to you; The ESP gets the serial data, and sends it to the URL; The Google Cloud function we made before then takes the data and adds it to your google sheet, as the service worker user, just as if someone else has added that data.
Note, this is JSON data, so it must be properly formatted. In our code, we use the brilliant ArduinoJSON library to parse everything correctly, but in the serial monitor you must format it yourself.
and I get the error as per the attached screen shot
Got Code: 404
now I know that means a missing file. The trigger URL as per below looks like the attached Screenshot but when I got to the google sheet there's no data even though I think I linked it correctly
the trigger URL is