JDY-30 Please give me some advice

Hi gents,

So I've been playing around with the JDY-30 and have had some problems with it, I would really appreciate if some of you knowledgeable peeps could guide me in the right direction?

  • Firstly, I've managed to send AT commands using an Arduino Mega (to which the 12v Bluetooth relay JDY-30) is connected, the problem is that after setting the password and connecting to the device with my phone, it reset's the password back to 1234 (for the JDY-30).

  • Secondly, I would love to be able to have more than one device connected to the JDY-30. Should I rather be looking at having a master and then a few slaves where the master has a Bluetooth module that allows more than one concurrent connection?

Please do excuse my lack of knowledge when it comes to these electronics and thanks for the advice in advance.

googling "JDY-30 arduino" gives many tutorials and info. Did you read / try any ?

this seems to be a BT 2/3 device
You'll have to pair with one slave at a time
it seems it's 3.3V only, so don't connect it directly to your MEGA (at least Tx from mega to Rx of the JDY-30)

Hi J-M-L,

Firstly thanks for the response.

I have everything working, the problem is more the fact that after the first connection to the JDY-30 BT module it resets the password back to default, thus when disconnecting the first phone and connecting with a second phone the password is back to "1234".

Secondly, because of the little documentation given, the only way I could find out that only one device could be connected at a time was by testing it.

To give some further details:
Micro controller: Arduino Mega - being powered through USB
BT module: JDY-30 - has it's own 12v PSU

I have managed to connect to the BT module and open and close the relay by sending hexadecimal code.

Thanks again :smiley:

what does this mean? (it's usually powered by 3.6V to 6V max)

The BT relay that I'm using can either take the 5v input or you can supply it 12v. I want to use this in a boom gate that uses 12v, thus supplying it with the power from the boom gate.

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