I am currently building a turbine for model aircraft, this is a long term project that hopefully will be completed this year.
My primary goal is to make a working turbine and simply learn stuff! Flight operations are secondary as I have been out of the R/C world for some time now due other hobbies.
I do also want to DIY the electronic side of operating the turbine, based off an Arduino UNO.
I am very new with Arduino and coding, so my knowledge is very low. I don't expect you to do the coding but if you are willing to assist my endeavour I´ll appreciate it a lot. I will try to make my questions as specific as possible.
The controller (EGU, Engine Ground Unit) need to monitor and display the following:
1 - Throttle position (servo emulation, using a pot so it can be operated without R/C radio)
2 - RPM sensing and display value (Hall effect sensor, US1881 used) Sensor range <120.000rpm
3 - Exhaust Gas temperature(EGT), K-value thermocouple with MAX6675 on hand. (Ambient-1100degC range)
What I have achieved, modular (code attached for each module):
1 - RPM sensor and code working (require Digital pin2 which is occupied by LCD)
2 - Write to LCD (4bit setup, static text, no real-time data)
EGT lacking at the moment.
First goal is to individually have LCD/RPM/EGT/ServoPot operating.
Then I need to make a code where these are combined and displaying real-time to the LCD.
I realize the UNO is limited on digital input and I am already having a conflict in the LCD display / RPM code which both want to use Digital Pin2.
What changes should I do now to secure I have input capacity enough for the scope outlined above?
My very first LCD test, fixed values showing, no real-time data:
LCD-GR130-Modul1_OK.ino (978 Bytes)
ArduinoHallEffect.ino (795 Bytes)