Job: Plug & play solution for a breathable object (preferable Switzerland & Germany)

Hello all!
I am new to this forum and would like to share an assignment:
Can anyone help me finish an art project where I built a breathable pillow connected to two 220V air pumps controlled by an Arduino (Nano / Mega).
The pillow has about 240L, the 220V air pumps pump about 1100L/min (see image / link).
At the moment I have a simple setup: Arduino, two air pumps connected to a relay, connected to a digital pin on the Arduino. So the code is high / low (air in / air out) with a delay that I have to set up myself according to the air in the pillow.
So I have to watch myself how much air is pumped in and how much air comes out, and since I don't have a valve, there is a lot of fluctuation.

So the task: Is it possible to build an automated plug & play solution with an air pressure sensor and a valve that automatically regulates the air pumps like: "At this pressure air has to be pumped in and at this pressure air has to be pumped out."
I need it for an exhibition so it should be safe even if unattended.

I would need someone to take care of the pressure sensor, valve and code.
I really appreciate help and your salary suggestions!

Thank you a lot and have a nice day!

2x Airpumps:

go to amazon, look for "air pressure switch", select an adjustable for 0.5 - 2 bar, isert it instead of the arduino+relay-thingy, enjoy.

Mille grazie! I will look into it.
But if anyone knows exactly what to do, I would be very grateful! I don't have time to look into it that closely, so I would like to commission it.

Well then ... you got a PM

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