Joining two nets in Eagle without a 0 ohm resistor

As the title suggests, is this possible now?

Attached pic: R7 is a 0 ohm resistor joining two nets

1.bmp (599 KB)

No, it's not possible.

Well, you could design a special "net connector" component that didn't LOOK like a resistor, and had a DRC-violating package that actually did the joining. I made a set like this, for example:

Screen Shot 2013-06-06 at 4.33.49 PM.jpg

I don't use Eagle but I've never seen a CAD package that will allow this, you have to rename one or both of the nets. In this case maybe to PC7-RESET if for some reason you really need to keep both names to make something clear.

Or pull a flanker like westfw suggests.


the net connector part seems like a novel solution. okay, thanks for your replies.