Joystick library problems: Only 7 axis are recognized by Windows 10. No matter what I do, Accelerator Brake and Steering are not recognized

Only 7 axis are recognized by Windows 10. No matter what I do, Accelerator Brake and Steering are not recognized. 7 axes are working fine: X Y Z Rx Ry Rz Throttle. I can't get any other to appear. I have a project with 8 axes, but there is only 7 in Windows, even if I initialize all axes:

Joystick_ Joystick(0x08,JOYSTICK_TYPE_JOYSTICK,
  10, 0,                  // Button Count, Hat Switch Count
  true, true, true,       // X Y Z Axis
  true, true, true,    // Rx Ry Rz
  true, true,           // rudder, throttle
  true, true, true);   // accelerator, brake, steering

Device always appears with a gamepad icon, never as a joystick or anything else. Nor sure if it's relevant.

Everything else works, just not the 8th axis...

game pad should not matter..

It shouldn't, just mentioned it in case it makes a difference. Still no 8th,9th,10th or 11th axis appear, and it's supposed to support 11 axis.

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