Joystick range&sensitivty

I'm using a joystick for a project. (simple x,y and button looks like ps2 stick)
The joystick's output is between 0 and 255 when neutral it's 128. (on x and y)

My problem - is that when the stick is moved a third of the range it already reaches the maximum/minimum output.
i get to 0 by only moving a 3rd of the way to the bottom range of the stick.
i get to 255 by only moving a 3rd of the way to the top range of the stick.

My question:
is there a way to use the entire range of the stick? increase it's sensitivity? (maybe a calibration method?);


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How is it wired, and how are you reading the values?

It's a wireless connection between 2 Arduino nano's that sends the stick input through the wifi
to an electric speed control (ESC)
the relevant code is:

int potPinA = 3;
void loop(void)
potValueA = analogRead(potPinA)>>2;

I'm reading it through the Serial monitor.
Attached is a picture of the connection (I am only using the X axis).

does any1 have any idea?

I was wondering same thing just couple of days ago. I didn't check yet but try to check resistance with multimeter, then you'll see how it goes. If the pot reaches limit by only 33% of movement, there are no sw options..
