Jump Robot ( Stabilize the landing)

Hi, I am new to here. I am currently working on idea for my final year project. I have proposed of doing a robot that jumps over certain obstacle height. I have read through self balancing robots using arduino gyro sensor with two wheels. My idea is develop a robot that balances itself when moving. Tons of tutorials for this. My question is, I want to make the robot jump and lands on the same position without falling over. This idea was sparked from Cubli and of course ascento. How do i work on starting to stabilise during in flight after jump before landing on surface.

The robot frame i am thinking of similar to ascento. for the jumping motion I am thinking of using spring force retracted to motor and released. But I am lost on how to make it land without falling over.

Thank you.

For sure, you want the center of gravity as close to the ground as possible.


But I am lost on how to make it land without falling over.

Think carefully about how a human does it. Experiment with your own body and watch some friends doing it.

I suspect the trick is to orient the body in flight so that, at the time of landing its centre of gravity is behind the landing position. That would mean that the person would tend to fall backwards except that their forward motion prevents that and allows time for the relevant balancing muscles to act.

Studying how a human walks is also instructive - the process involves bringing the CoG forward and then moving the feet to prevent the body from falling on its face.
