Some body please help me. I have a secure Elite 440 energy meter.
I have tried to log into the meter using the following arduino code but unable to get anything sensible on serial monitor please check out the attachments.
I am using MAX 485 for the interfacing.
I have attached the memory map file of the meter and also the screen shot of the serial monitor.
You're telling the ModbusMaster library that it may use the main serial interface for the Modbus communication but you also use the same interface to print out debugging information.
You must use a separate serial interface for the Modbus and for the communication with the PC. As the UNO has only one serial interface you should change the board. The Mega2560 has 4 serial interfaces while the Leonardo has a serial interface and internal USB capabilities for the communication to the PC. Both are viable products to use in your setup.
Everyone who asks a question is treated with the same "urgency". Don't expect to jump the queue just because you left it too late to start your college project.
Anyway, aren't your teachers paid to help with your problems?
Alternatively if this is something you are expected to work out for yourself to earn a grade then isn't it cheating to ask for help here?
You're telling the ModbusMaster library that it may use the main serial interface for the Modbus communication but you also use the same interface to print out debugging information.
You must use a separate serial interface for the Modbus and for the communication with the PC. As the UNO has only one serial interface you should change the board. The Mega2560 has 4 serial interfaces while the Leonardo has a serial interface and internal USB capabilities for the communication to the PC. Both are viable products to use in your setup.
Boss is there any method in which i can use uno for the project because getting an mega will fail the purpose of the project, i have been told to do it with the same serial port. My teacher said it is very possible and for many days i am trying to do it but now i donot see any hope and my end sem exams are also approaching now. Please tell me if there is any method to do it with same port. My teacher said some multiplexing logic i have to make but what is multiplexing logic here, what i read about multiplexer it is an ic for converting parallel lines to serial. How does it suits into this context
Boss is there any method in which i can use uno for the project because getting an mega will fail the purpose of the project, i have been told to do it with the same serial port. My teacher said it is very possible and for many days i am trying to do it but now i donot see any hope and my end sem exams are also approaching now. Please tell me if there is any method to do it with same port.
As long as you only write to the PC and never receive anything from there you might get it to work by simply holding DE LOW while writing debugging information. But using the same pins for different stuff is definitely not recommended and may lead to other errors.
but unable to get anything sensible on serial monitor
It might be worth to check the result code you get. Post the serial output you get!
The address numbering is often just to distinguish the holding registers from the input registers and everything above 40000 is usually a holding register.
I have tried to use interrupt and to read modbus only when serial communication is not happening between the PC and the controller and doing serial communication to PC only when modbus is not hapenning. BUT I am getting only 0 or 65535 in serial monitor. is it because meter is not connected to any load or some error is there atleast serial number model number or date something should come what is this. please help