I connected the TX1 of the Teensy to the RX0 of the nano esp32 and the RX1 of the Teensy to the TX1 on the nano esp32. I uploaded the following code but the NANO ESP32 output nothing. On the teensy code
void setup() {
Serial.begin(19200); // Start serial communication at 19200 bps to match the ESP32 setup
pinMode(A0, INPUT); // Set A0 as an input for analog readings
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); // Read the analog value from pin A0
Serial.print("Sensor Value: "); // Prefix for clarity
Serial.println(sensorValue); // Send this value over UART, followed by a newline
delay(1000); // Send data every second
void setup() {
// Initialize Serial for debugging
Serial.begin(19200); // Change this baud rate if different speeds are required for debugging
Serial.println("ESP32 UART Debugging Initialized");
// Initialize Serial2 for main communication
const int RX2PIN = 16;
const int TX2PIN = 17;
Serial2.begin(19200, SERIAL_8N1, RX2PIN, TX2PIN);
Serial.println("ESP32 UART2 Receiver Initialized on custom pins");
void loop() {
// Check for incoming data on Serial2
if (Serial2.available()) {
String incoming = "";
while (Serial2.available()) {
delay(2); // A small delay to buffer the data
char c = Serial2.read(); // Read incoming character
incoming += c; // Append character to string
if (incoming.length() > 0) {
Serial.print("Received on UART2: ");
looking at the ESP32 nano pinout I cannot see GPIO16?
try this simple loopback test using GPIO 17 and 18
// ESP32 serial2 hardware loop back test
// see https://circuits4you.com/2018/12/31/esp32-hardware-serial2-example/
/* There are three serial ports on the ESP known as U0UXD, U1UXD and U2UXD.
* U0UXD is used to communicate with the ESP32 for programming and during reset/boot.
* U1UXD is unused and can be used for your projects. Some boards use this port for SPI Flash access though
* U2UXD is unused and can be used for your projects.
#define RXD2 18
#define TXD2 17
void setup() {
// Note the format for setting a serial port is as follows: Serial2.begin(baud-rate, protocol, RX pin, TX pin);
Serial2.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2);
Serial.println("ESP32 hardware serial test on Serial2");
Serial.println("Serial2 Txd is on pin: " + String(TXD2));
Serial.println("Serial2 Rxd is on pin: " + String(RXD2));
Serial.println("For loopback test connect Txd(pin " + String(TXD2) +
") to Rxd(pin " + String(RXD2) + ")");
void loop() { //Choose Serial1 or Serial2 as required
while (Serial2.available()) {
while (Serial.available()) {
connect 17 to 18 - text entered on keyboard should be echoed to display, e.g.
ESP32 hardware serial test on Serial2
Serial2 Txd is on pin: 17
Serial2 Rxd is on pin: 18
For loopback test connect Txd(pin 17) to Rxd(pin 18)
test1 abcdef