JY-MCU sends random characters in the beginning

I´m currently working with the jy-mcu in specific the BT_BOARD version 1.05. I tried to set it up but i got a really random behaviour.
It sends random strings. I tried to set up the baudrate but it doesnt respond to the AT Commands. Is there a way to get the Baudrate of the Board... I think it is 57600.

The code I´m using is:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

const int rxPin = 10;
const int txPin = 11;

SoftwareSerial mySerial(rxPin, txPin); //RX | TX

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
   mySerial.write("AT+BAUD7");  //without this line it only prints out bullshit.  

the main problem I´m having is with the print out of test because it adds random characters to the beginning like:


JY-MCU identifies the breakout board, not the type of bluetooth you are using. Your code is nonsense and, whatever your problem might be, it is not caused by bluetooth. Bluetooth merely passes along what is passed to it - including junk. The AT command in your code suggests you are using an HC-06, in which case the baud rate for AT mode is 9600.
You do not appear to be using the serial monitor at all, and you don't say where you see the garbled text. You might find the following background notes useful.
