I need to monitor the continuous temperature of lead extruder machine. I have used duplex k type thermocouple, where I have taken one channel of k type thermocouple to PID controller and another channel of k type thermocouple to arduino using MAX6675 breakout board.
Now I am facing problem in measuring temperature using two different things(one is PID and another is Arduino) i.e., if the PID controller gives the temperature as 165 deg celsius at the same time my arduino using max6675 will give 159 deg celsius and if I track the temperature measurement in both the things, the PID controller picks up the fastest changes in the temperature like 160, 163, 167, 171 and so on whereas for the same instances my arduino picks up the temperature as 160, 160.50, 161.25,161.75 and so on. The above scenario gives me the highest temperature difference of the PID controller and Arduino using Max6675. If I cross check the temperature measurement using a thermometer, the temperature value of thermometer and PID controller matches exactly.
Now where my system lags to picks up the correct temperature measurement?