My question is, I want to change the values of 5 and 100 in the keep alive section. I logged in and didn't have a .htacess file so I made one and put the code below:
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Connection keep-alive
Header set Keep-Alive "timeout=10, max=10000"
This changed my output, but didn't change the 5 and 100 values. How can I fix this? My new output is below:
This weird because if we look at the second outputs you gave, we can see that there is a line at the end with your parameters!
Or almost your parameters since max is equal to 100000 and not 10000 as in the file you gave us
Can you double check the output pls?
However, I don't know if this is relevant but there is a capital 'K' and 'A' at "Keep-Alive"
And as far as I know, this is the server that fixes the timeout. If the server is capable to have a dynamic timeout, then in the header of the response you should have something like
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: accept,DNT,,Keep-Alive,User-Agent....... //and so on
@alandinho10 I suppose you have to change the code as follow:
<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Connection Keep-Alive
Header set Keep-Alive "timeout=10, max=10000"
Uppercase matters in HTML access or even server side scripts are, as mentioned before, I´m not sure if this is going to help it can also be both in lower case: keep-alive.
Greetings dingsken.