I noticed that the Arduino Programming Language can use a Math.h library. The original Kernighan and Ritchie C Programming Language also contains this library. What other Kernighan and Ritchie libraries are incorporated into the Arduino Programming environment?
I noticed that the Arduino Programming Language can use a Math.h library. The original Kernighan and Ritchie C Programming Language also contains this library. What other Kernighan and Ritchie libraries are incorporated into the Arduino Programming environment?
Relatively long time ago there was de facto standard named " ANSI C " , but with "Open" concept the tried and true building blocks of the language - such as stdio.h - are long forgotten. But still there.
Arduino is built on top of avr-gcc, which includes the avr-libc implementation of various standard-ish C libraries, and which is documented here: avr-libc: AVR Libc