Keyboard for Touchshield Slide

I need a Numberfield for entering Numbers, Points and Chars. I use the TButton function for that. This is the function:

int new_waypoint(int n){
  char input_data[100];
  int i = 0;
  unsigned long time = millis();
        input_data[i] = '1';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl2.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '2';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl3.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '3';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl4.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '4';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl5.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '5';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl6.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '6';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl7.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '7';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl8.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '8';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl9.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '9';
        time = millis();
      else if(zahl0.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '0';
        time = millis();
      else if(zn.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = 'N';
        time = millis();
      else if(ze.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = 'E';
        time = millis();
      else if(zc.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = 0;
        time = millis();
      else if(zp.GetTouch()){
        input_data[i] = '.';
        time = millis();
      else if(zenter.GetTouch()){
        char lat[10];
        char lon[10];
        i = 0;
          lat[i] = input_data[i];
        lat[i] = '\0';
        int e=0;
          lon[e] = input_data[i];
        lon[e] = '\0';
        waypoint_lat[n] = atof(lat);
        waypoint_lon[n] = atof(lon);
        return 1;

I have a field with the numbers 0-9, with a point, a clear button, the chars N and E, and a Enter button. I want to add the chars to a char arrayw, when a button with numbers/chars is pressed. With the clear button, I want to clear the last entered char. At the end, the chars will look like that:


Only the numbers will change. I want to convert the numbers, before the 'N' to a float and save it in waypoint_lat[n]. The number after 'N' will also be converted to a float a wil be saved in the waypoint_lon array.
In this movie can you see, what happends: Mieten & Vermieten im Mietmarkt auf

After doing that, the Autopilot Site will be painted.

void autopilot_seite_paint(){
  int n;
  for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
    char test[100];
    n=sprintf(test,"%f %f",waypoint_lat[i], waypoint_lon[i]);
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    case 5:

I use the sprintf function, to generate a char array for the waypoint_lat and _lon arrays. But there happens nothing.
Can you please help me whats wrong?


sprintf is a huge function, memory wise. In order to get it to fit on an Arduino (or other AVR chip), the %f format is not supported.

You can get around this by breaking the number into two parts - the integer part and the decimal part (50.894238 becomes 50 and 0.894238). Then, multiply the decimal part by some factor (10, 100, 1000, 10000, etc.) that determines the number of decimal places to show (0.894238 becomes 8, 89, 894, 89423, etc.). Then, use sprintf with a format like %d.%04d (print 2 integers, the second using leading 0s if required to occupy 4 places).