I made a circuit with esp32 3.3V module. It was powered by 12 v adapter. Then the 12v was stepped down to 3.3v by a buck convertor and fed into Vin of esp32 module. The esp32 module was also connected to the computed via USB cable to read the data it was generating and sending.
When the usb cable had connected the esp32 to the computer, I noticed that the mouse and keys were hanging and not responding immediately.
Now after many times using this, the g and h keys of my computer don't work, along with " and up keys.
It sounds like your fried your computer or at least 1 port. Tell me I am wrong and that you did not check the output of the buck converter before connecting it. If you are extremely the computer managed to protect itself from this abuse and will work after a 10 minute power off rest.
The computer is working right now, only few keys are not working.
I set the buck convertor to 3.3V, later I changed it to 5.11V after the problem started coming. I have given the computer rest, but the keys are still not working. Sometimes when I press them many times they will type once or twice.
I am not following you completely, post a simple block sketch showing how this is put together. It sounds like you might have fried the keyboard. I assume we are now talking about the computer keyboard.
I will updated the issues which I have been facing.
I have been using a laptop.
When the Buck convertor was set to 3.3V, the problem came.
The mouse would hang and I couldnt move between screens as easily by clicking Alt+tab.
Now the buck convertor is set to 5.11V and now even wen nothing is connected many keys dont work and recently I discovered tat I was able to upload sketches to the ESP32 but not receive and serial data back.
You were probably overloading the USB power supply because it was trying to drive your buck output to 5 volts. I need to see the schematic for the ESP device you have, there are many different varieties and protection schemes.