Hi! I wonder if there's a way to read keyboard without using the serial monitor.
The problem with the serial monitor is that the computer im using receives multiple keystrokes... some of the keystrokes goes for the soundsystem and i need the desired keystrokes to control ambient lightning. So that way i cant have the keystrokes go in the serial monitor, because the sound system will not work that way.
I do not have a code yet and i would like to use a Leonardo for the project.
Does anyone have some advice what should i try? Really been searching the internet for days without results.
Yes, search something like, "Python serial application". If you need multiple terminal windows, use multiple instances of some terminal emulator like TeraTerm or Putty.
You weren't explicit, but is it that you have two serial applications running on different ports? How are the ambient lighting device and your proposed device connected to the PC?
When you say, "keyboard", is that the PC one, or some keypad that you will put on the Leonardo?
Sorry, but your post is very confusing and needs a lot of detailed explanation. A diagram would be excellent...