Hello I am new to Arduino. I wrote this code to read a 4x4 keypad and it works. However, it needs improvement. I think the problem is with the delays. If you press the key for too long, it repeats on the screen. I would like to have the key only display one time no matter how long you hold the button down. Does anyone have any suggestions?
#include <Keypad.h>
int key(void);
void banner(void);
void compare(int hit);
int testColumn (void);
int debounce(int hit);
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);//sets baud rate for serial communication
for (int a=6; a<=9; a++)//sets coulmn pins 6 through 9 as high inputs
pinMode(a, INPUT);//columns are inputs
digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
}//end for a
for (int b=2; b<=5; b++)//sets row pins 2 through 5 as high outputs
pinMode(b, OUTPUT);//rows are outputs
digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
}//end for b
}//end setup
void loop()
int hit=0;//declares and initializes hit variable
hit=key();//sets hit value to that returned by key function, calls key
//Serial.print("hit = ");//used for debugging
//Serial.println(hit);//used for debugging
if (hit < 16)//if one of the 16 keys are hit, call compare function
}//end if
}//end loop
int debounce(int hit)//recalls key, creates new vaiable for comparison
int hitd=0;//new variable for comparing
hitd=key();//variable set equal to the value returned by key
if (hitd==hit)//checks validity
compare(hit);//send the value to be printed
}//end if
}//end debounce
int key(void)//tests for keypad entry
int column=0;//declares and initializes column variable
for(int c=2; c<=5; c++)//pulls each row low
digitalWrite(c, LOW);//pull row low
column=testColumn();//sets column value to that returned from testColumn
digitalWrite(c, HIGH);//resets row to high for next iteration
if (column!=16)//testing for keypad hit
c-=2;//math determines value of row for the iteration
//Serial.print("row=");//used for debugging
//Serial.println(row);//used for debugging
//Serial.println(c);//used for debugging
//delay(500);//used for debugging
return(column*4+c);//uses row to determine column, returns column number
}//end if
}//end for c
return 16;//return any number higher than 15--needs to be invalid
}//end key
int testColumn (void)//detects low column, returns column number for print
for(int d=6; d<=9; d++)//if column is low, return column number
//Serial.print("d=");//used for debugging
//Serial.println(d);//used for debugging
return d-6;//math determines column number
}//end if read for low
}//end for d
return 16;//return any number higher than 15--needs to be invalid
}//end testColumn
void compare (int hit)//prints key
switch (hit)//decodes hit value for keypad entry
case 0://0,0 from binary 1(count from low right, up)
Serial.println("Keypad = D");break;
case 1://0,1
Serial.println("Keypad = #");break;
case 2://0,2
Serial.println("Keypad = 0");break;
case 3://0,4
Serial.println("Keypad = *");break;
case 4://1,0
Serial.println("Keypad = C");break;
case 5://1,1
Serial.println("Keypad = 9");break;
case 6://1,2
Serial.println("Keypad = 8");break;
case 7://1,3
Serial.println("Keypad = 7");break;
case 8://2,0
Serial.println("Keypad = B");break;
case 9://2,1
Serial.println("Keypad = 6");break;
case 10://2,2
Serial.println("Keypad = 5");break;
case 11://2,3
Serial.println("Keypad = 4");break;
case 12://3,0
Serial.println("Keypad = A");break;
case 13://3,1
Serial.println("Keypad = 3");break;
case 14://3,2
Serial.println("Keypad = 2");break;
case 15://3,3
Serial.println("Keypad = 1");break;
}//end switch
}//end compare
void banner(void)
Serial.println("ET 240");
Serial.println("Arduino Keypad");