
Hi every one I'm trying to do a counter with a keypad but I'm having troubles to do this counter I want to press a number on the keypad and repeat the cycle for example enter number 25 and turn on led 25 times then stop. the loop

Anybody can help me??

this is what I had until now, but I want to add a Keypad to enter the amount of times to repeat the cycle.

int cont  = 1; 
int led = 13;

void setup()
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop()
while(cont < 5)   
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
  Serial.print("Count number= ");

What keypad?
Have you looked at the example on the site about keypads? HERE

What keypad?
Have you looked at the example on the site about keypads? HERE

Hi LaaryD the keypad I had is a 4x3

I tried the code also but nothing what I'm looking
this video show's something similar what I'm looking.

If you are looking for finished code you probably will not find it.

Write your code so an input from the serial monitor will do what you want.
Next write code that will take input from your keypad and send it to the serial monitor.
When the two sketches work, remove the serial monitor stuff from both then combine whats left.

If you run into problems, ask here for help.