Hey there,
so I just went through my 4th arduino uno in a couple of days. I am just testing out different code and after a while I cant upload anymore....For half a day it works fine and then it just stops working. I am not connecting any additional power supply or any other hardware. Any ideas?
Which Arduino? And really no other hardware? No led, no switch, nothing?
Hey ,
i had 2 Unos and 2 nanos. No, no external Hardware
Post an example of the code you are running. Use the code tag button </> on the menu.
Not even wires?
So you where just playing with Serial and the onboard led only?
Only thing I can think of then is static electricity. Are you wearing a nice woolen sweater? But I must say, I never managed to kill an Arduino with static electricity myself.
Check the voltage the USB on your computer is sending out. It could be you have a faulty USB port. I once had one that put out 7V instead of 5V.
@septillion: I only let the onboard led flash. So just digitalWrite(13,HIGH)......delay....LOW....delay.....
@Grumpy_Mike: I will check. Thanks
One thing I can think of now which can be point when you use a PC (not a laptop although some laptop power bricks also do it), is you PC connected to a plug with PE (Protective Earth)? Most power supplies do get a pretty high voltage on the case/GND referenced to mains when not connected to PE because of the mains filter. And if you then touch the Arduino and go and discharge those PSU filter caps through the Arduino then yeah, I can imagine it will not like that.