Kindly guide on push button use 30feet away(building height) from esp-12f

Hello all plz suggest how should I extend or my approach to use a push button(for performing action to turn on relay) connected to my ESP-12f around 30feet away(building height) might have interference due to electric cables, building and not in line of sight, which cable and push button should I use for outdoor installation.. I have some tactile tact micro push button I used earlier with some of my project

what are you trying to do with the buttons? Are you opposed to using a rf remote as your button?
those have good distance as long as there isnt many walls between the button and the device.

what are you trying to do with the buttons? Are you opposed to using a rf remote as your button?
those have good distance as long as there isnt many walls between the button and the device.

to turn on relay actually 30 feet is building height and there will be interference because of buildings, electric cables and not in straight line of sight

I'm lost here, all you want to do is press a button and 30feet way at the end of your wires turn on a Relay?
What has an ESP-12 to do with the project.

Can you post a diagram of you project layout.

Thanks.. Tom... :slight_smile:

If you are using an ESP, the obvious approach is to use a second ESP where the button is. ESP-01 would clearly be perfect. :sunglasses:

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