KS108&DS1307 on Arduino uno board

First of all I'm a complete newbie so maybe i'm asking about a silly question, please be kind, but I've spent several hours trying to wiring an Arduino uno board to a KS108 GLCD, examples works fine but troubles come when I try to connect a DS1307 clock cause SDA pin in Arduino uno is used by GLCD. There's a way to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance

Since the GLCD library uses so many pins, including one of the I2C pins, you will either have to switch to a non-I2C RTC (perhaps a Dallas OneWire RTC) or switch to an Arduino Mega where the I2C pins (20 and 21) are left free.

Hi John
Thank You very much. So I guess there's no way to make it work together Arduino Uno and KS108 GLCD. Then I'll attach to an Arduino mega.

the glcd library cannot share any pins with anything else.
You can change the pins that the glcd library uses by editing the file
glcd/config/ks0108_Arduino.h (assuming you have a m328 based board)

Simply change the glcdEN define to use some other free pin.
(2, 3, and 13 are free)
I would avoid 13 since the bootloader sometimes blinks the led it
will screwup the glcd synchronization after reset unless you use the glcd library software reset
(but then that requires using another pin)
So I'd stick with using either 2 or 3.

--- bill

It works like a charm! When I first try to share A4 I get any image in KS108 but now everything is working fine :grin:
Thank You very much
Best regards,

the glcd library cannot share any pins with anything else.
You can change the pins that the glcd library uses by editing the file
glcd/config/ks0108_Arduino.h (assuming you have a m328 based board)

Simply change the glcdEN define to use some other free pin.
(2, 3, and 13 are free)
I would avoid 13 since the bootloader sometimes blinks the led it
will screwup the glcd synchronization after reset unless you use the glcd library software reset
(but then that requires using another pin)
So I'd stick with using either 2 or 3.

--- bill

Thank You Bill for that good information as well, I own both, haven't really used the Mega yet But... You too are providing help.

Doc (Bob)