hi, doing a school project involving the sound sensor KY-038, picked up the sensor from a website called shoppee. following this guys circuitry and code to experiment on the sensor but so far no luck. KY-038 Microphone Sound Sensor Module with Arduino Control LED. I adjusted the potentiometer to both extreme ends with no response on the serial monitor on the arduino ide. However, when I adjusted the potentiometer all the way anti-clockwise, it suddenly cut power, the Arduino Uno board and external power supply suddenly cut as well, not sure what this means but really need to get a working output as deadline is quite near. really need help with this
the picture below is a pic of the circuit, just wires to 5v, gnd, and digital pin 8 on the Arduino Uno
#define DO 8
unsigned long last_event = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(DO, INPUT);
void loop() {
int output = digitalRead(DO);
if (output == LOW) {
if (millis() - last_event > 25) {
Serial.println("Clap sound was detected!");
last_event = millis();