KY-038 not detecting clapping sound

hi, doing a school project involving the sound sensor KY-038, picked up the sensor from a website called shoppee. following this guys circuitry and code to experiment on the sensor but so far no luck. KY-038 Microphone Sound Sensor Module with Arduino Control LED. I adjusted the potentiometer to both extreme ends with no response on the serial monitor on the arduino ide. However, when I adjusted the potentiometer all the way anti-clockwise, it suddenly cut power, the Arduino Uno board and external power supply suddenly cut as well, not sure what this means but really need to get a working output as deadline is quite near. really need help with this
the picture below is a pic of the circuit, just wires to 5v, gnd, and digital pin 8 on the Arduino Uno

#define DO 8
unsigned long last_event = 0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(DO, INPUT); 

void loop() {
  int output = digitalRead(DO);
  if (output == LOW) {
    if (millis() - last_event > 25) {
      Serial.println("Clap sound was detected!");
    last_event = millis();

Have you checked that the sensor is actually giving you a signal when you clap?

If it is, have you checked that the signal is actually reaching the Arduino pin?

Please post a schematic of your setup.

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Can't tell from the photo if you have it wired correctly.
Where do the red and black wires go?

I suspect that at some point you accidentally connected AO to ground

Is that true?
If yes, then the board is mostly damaged and won't work anymore.

But where you are able to see the board

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