L-LED is blinking constantly

For my studies I have to work with Adruino. They send us a cheap chinese Adruino nano clon. I don't know any more details about it. I installed everything( but not sure if its the right way). had to intsall the 1.6.1 version of the Adruino software, because only this is working with the board. In the Device-Manager I can see the Adruino Uno (Com4) once it is plugged in. In the software I also see the Com 4 and as a board I have Adruino Nano w/ATmega328. Once I plug the board in, the L LED is flashing. When I hold the reset button, it's not flashing anymore but just on. When I let go of it, it turns iff for like 1 second, then flashes 3 times real fast and then back to blinking. I tried to upload the blink-programm on it. While its uploading the RX LED is coming one for half a second, then goes off and once it finished uploading, nothing happens and I get a failure message in red saying: avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00.

I have never worked with anything like this before and am completly clueless. How can I get it to work?

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A Nano can not identify itself as an Uno; it should identify itself as a serial device. Try to program the board as an Uno if it identifies itself as such.

Can you post a clear photo of both the front and the back of your Nano?

// Added
The blinking is normal; Arduinos usually come with blink pre-installed. The three short flashes are also normal and indicate that the bootloader is waiting for an upload (or to continue with the loaded sketch if it does not receive the upload).

Thanks, it's an Uno clone with an 16U2 TTL-to-USB converter and 328P main processor. Use Tools -> Board -> Arduino Uno to program it. Don't forget to select the correct COM port.

It works! Thank you so much.

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