L293 getting hot at 9v, is it ok?

Hi guys,
I got my Bipolar, 200 Steps/Rev, 35x28mm, 10V, 500mA motor and connected it to the L293 chip, as shown here

Here's how it looks like:

and the code

#include <Stepper.h>

const int stepsPerRevolution = 200;

Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 2,3,5,6);            

void setup() {

void loop() {


Yet there seem to be two problems

  1. the L293 chip is getting very hot, too hot to touch. Is that OK?

  2. the motor is also getting noticeably warm.

I'm powering them from an adapter at 9v / 600mA, if I run them at 4.5v , it doesn't get hot, yet of course, the power of the motor is not the same. )


the chip needs a heat sink for all but the smallest of loads,

you need a heat sink.

It's a common problem with L293 I recommend using other type,or just don't use it continuously also add a heat sink.

Stepper motors run hot at their rated current. Yes, L293 is wasteful of power and generates
bags of heat. You lose 2 to 3V in the process too so that motor really wants a 12V supply
and heatsinks+small fan on the L293.

Or find a MOSFET motor driver that doesn't get hot.

Put the motor on a stand so it's lying on its side, then the paper fan thingy will blow cool air over the chip 8)