L293D motor driver

Hey all,

Recently I have tried to interfacee DC motor using L293D motor driver. It works fine for me in controlling the motor in either clockwise/anticlockwise at a constant speed.

However, I would like to ask if how am I able to change the speed ? Liek maybe I want it to change at right at full speed and half speed ? Can I do that with arduino UNO ?

Thanks !

Use the PWM outputs of your Uno.

Then how I interface/program it ?


Use analogWrite.

Oh, do I need to deal with the enable pin in the IC or just the output pins of the IC ?

I don't know how you've got your L293 wired, but it is unlikely you'd want to apply anything to its output pins.

Opps, it suppose to be the input pins. Sorry I get it wrongly. The output pins is connected to motor
