L293D not powering Motors/Anything using M1/2/3/4

I'm currently building my first car project using L293D. I have done few basic examples and everything works fine.


  • L293D
  • 4 DC Motors

The problem is that the shield isn't passing any power using the M1/2/3/4, which will be used to power up the motors.

I have tried connecting an external power supply to the shield directly and the LED did light up, nevertheless, no power was passing.

I'm using a breadboard with a LED to test for the electricity. It's not lighting up and even the motors are not running when using jumpers from the M1 and connecting them directly.

Image of the setup is in the attachments.

I have tried switching the jumpers and switching the poles because I thought i have connected them in a wrong way.

The Arduino UNO is working fine and I'm able to upload sketches.

Your picture shows something that definitely is not an L293 (that's an integrated circuit). It looks like the old Motor Shield V1 but please provide a link to its specification/datasheet. And also post the code that you are using to drive it.


What exactly are you powering the shield with and how is it connected (I can't see anything in the power connector on your picture). A diagram showing all connections might be useful.

There are detailed setup instructions on the Adafruit site Overview | Adafruit Motor Shield | Adafruit Learning System Have you been following them?


I apologize for the late response. The Motor shield had a malfunction and I had to return it.