L298N Driver not working

My L298N module is not working even with one dc motor. The motor is just buzzing, i am guessing something is wrong with the setup .
I am using a dc to dc adjustable step up converter to get 10-11 volts from 2 AA batteries(3V) to power up the L298N. I did not take off the jumper that shorts 12V to 5V on L298N. Maximum output current of the converter is 2A, and the dc motor is 6V and 95 mA.

Multiplying voltage by two divides the current by two (V=IR), which probably does not supply sufficient current to push the motor. Use five AA batteries (5 x 1.5 = 7.5vdc minus 1 or 2 volts for the L298N = 6.5vdc to 5.5vdc) and do not use the step-up.

FYI - the shunt ("jumper") removes 12V (V in) from the onboard 5V reg.
Without it you'll need to supply a source of 5V for the controller's logic supply.