Labeling pins with array?


I'm trying to shorten the code:

const byte led1 = 1;
const byte led2 = 2;
const byte led# = #;

void setup() {}
void loop() {}


const char* pinLabel[] = {"led1", "led2", ..., "led#"};
const int pinNumber[] = {1, 2, ..., #};

void setup() {
	for (int a = 0; a < #; a++) {
	const byte pinLabel[a] = pinNumber[a];

void loop() {}

But I got an error message:

error: array must be initialized with a brace-enclosed initializer
  const int pinLabel[a] = pinNumber[a];

It is clear that my understanding of array is wrong, any help with this?

EDIT: Sorry pressed "post" by accident.